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Courageously Face the Outdoors (Despite the Agony of Pollen Season)
Photo courtesy of unsplash
Photo courtesy of unsplash
Laura  Brink
Friday, Apr. 9, 2021

As your watering eyes and sniffling nose have surely already noticed, it is officially pollen season. The warm weather has finally arrived, but you see a layer of yellow dust on your car, your roof, and your patio furniture when you step outside on your Camden balcony. After a year of hibernation, we are all more than ready to get out into our amazing Camden outdoor spaces, so don’t let your allergies keep you indoors! Here are some tried and true tricks to help you enjoy the fresh air despite the pollen.

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Photo courtesy of

1. Be strategic about where you exercise

Maybe the golf course or scenic garden walk isn’t the move during the height of allergy season. Instead, think about outdoor spaces that are less prone to pollen like concrete basketball courts, clay tennis courts, swimming pools, or paved bike paths. These options can be great for soaking up the sun, without sucking in the pollen. Be careful not to overcorrect though, if you decide to work out in a primarily concrete, industrial area, you may end up dealing with smoke and smog that will cause just as much discomfort as pollen.

Photo by Luan Queiros from Pexels

Photo courtesy of Luan Queiros from Pexels

2. Figure out precisely what is causing your allergies

We all know the bright yellow pollen is the most visible offender, but do you know how many types of pollen there are?! Tree pollen, grass pollen, weed pollen, and even certain natural molds can all cause allergy symptoms. Visit your doctor to find out what is causing your allergies and how best to combat them. On that note, make sure you’re taking your allergy medicines and treatments BEFORE your symptoms set in. Talk to your Camden maintenance team about what kind of grass is planted around your community, so you know exactly what you’re getting into when you step outside.

3. Check the weather

Check your weather app, favorite news channel, or website to get a feel for how high the pollen count will be for the day. If you pay attention to the pollen count and your symptoms, you can figure out at what point the pollen becomes too much for you. Windy days are also not ideal for outdoor time since the wind can blow the pollen any which way. If all else fails, head to the beach or lake where pollen levels are lowest.

Photo by Lloyd Dirks on Unsplash

Photo courtesy of Lloyd Dirks on Unsplash

4. Clean what you can

Hose off or wipe down your patio and patio furniture before you settle in. You may not be able to control the air, but you can manage your area. Follow the lead of your Camden maintenance team and rinse away pollen whenever necessary. You’ll notice that Camden makes big efforts in the Spring to power wash breezeways and keep the pollen build-up to an absolute minimum, and I, for one, could not be more grateful.

Photo by CDC on Unsplash

Photo courtesy of CDC on Unsplash

5. Accessorize correctly and decontaminate quickly

To protect yourself, you can put a mask or bandana on (we love a COVID safety crossover!) and/or wear protective goggles to keep that pesky pollen out of your eyes. Hats and scarves are also a big help as pollen tends to stick to hair. Make sure you’re removing your outside clothes as soon as you walk through the door of your Camden apartment and washing all that pollen off you before you sit down and get pollen on your furniture.

Photo by Anna Tarazevich from Pexels

Photo courtesy of Anna Tarazevich from Pexels

With these tips and tools, I’m confident you can not only survive this Spring, you’ll absolutely thrive!

Hungry for more Spring content? Check out this blog about the best Spring flowers or this one filled with ideas that will get your Camden apartment ready for Spring.

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